Frequently Asked Questions

Who will host my website?

We’ll take care of your hosting! Hosting means storing all of your website information (pictures and text). Hosting is a necessary function of every website, and is included as an integral part of your monthly service.

How are minor website edits or updates handled?

You can always use your monthly content credit to request edits to your website. 30 minutes is included and is usually plenty of time to handle any small request.

What is a content credit?

Every month you will recieve 1 content credit. This is good for 30 minutes of updates or you can save your credits and use them on new projects! For example, you could spend 2 credits on building a page about how you can help Real Estate Agents with tax problems.

How long will it take to build my website?

If accepted as a client we guarantee to have your website constructed in under 30 days, but we aim for under 2 weeks!

Do you handle all of the website updates?

Usually, a couple times per month your website will need to undergo various technical updates to make sure it is running optimally! We will always take care of those for you.

Will I own my domain?

Yes you will own your domain name. Depending on the situation we may move it to our registrar, but it can always be moved back if you decide to leave in the future. 

Do I need to provide my own domain/ URL /website address?

If you have an existing domain we can absolutely build on it. If you would like us to help you find a new one – no problem!

Do I own the graphics and content that were created for my website?

Any photos, logo, domain names, or other material that you provide to us belongs to you, of course. All other website elements and code that we create are leased. Clients are granted the right to use the website we create as long as they remain customers.